Leslie Christian, CFA

Senior Investment Advisor

About Leslie

Leslie is a Senior Investment Advisor at NorthStar who works to further the firm’s commitment to the development of Integrated Capital, a new foundation and framework for portfolio management that accounts for the global risks of our time as well as the personal vision, values, and aspirations of each client. For NorthStar clients seeking to invest outside of the public stock and bond markets, Leslie researches private companies, non-profits, and funds with socially responsible missions.

Leslie has a rich history in the development of the socially responsible investing field. Leslie joined Portfolio 21 Investments in 1995 and served as its President and CEO until 2012. In 1999, she co-founded Portfolio 21, one of the first public-equity mutual funds focused on long-term ecological risks and opportunities, as well as Upstream 21, a uniquely-chartered regional holding company for socially and environmentally responsible businesses. In 1993, Leslie also co-founded Women’s Equity Mutual Fund, which is now a part of Impax Asset Management. Leslie chairs the Investment Committee for Plymouth Housing in Seattle and serves on the board of Recompose PBC. She has an MBA from UC Berkeley.